4 Tips for making fitness & nutrition WAY more simple (and fun!)

I get it; the fitness & nutrition world can be very, very confusing. There are so many messages, so many ways and explanations of eating/ working out/ staying fit, that it all can just get too much sometimes.


In this article, I’m going to share with you, my top 4 tips & tricks for keeping nutrition and fitness super simple and non-complex! Because, let’s be honest, the more simple we can make something, the more likely it is we’re going to stick to our goals- yes!?


1.    Have a plan & stay committed to it (yes, even when it gets tough)

This one applies to both your fitness and nutrition. I want you to really think about what your #1 goal is for moving & eating well. Is it to be able to run after your children with ease in the backyard (without loosing your breath?), is it to be able to run the City2Surf this year within a certain time? Whatever it is, write it down and commit yourself to it.


Think now, what small steps will I need to take to get there? If your goal is to ‘eat well’ what do those small steps look like? Maybe you’ll go to the local farmers markets every Saturday morning to buy the freshest local produce possible to cook with for the week? Maybe you’ll pre-cut & wash all the veggies in your fridge so they’re easily accessible to make with meals & snacks throughout the week.


Whatever the thing is you’re working towards, be sure to know exactly what it is (the more specific the better!) and the small steps you can do to make it happen (if you need help with this by the way, our Facebook community LOVES supporting each other!)


2.    Enjoy what you do and eat (with fitness & nutrition)

The philosophy I tell my clients and something that actually works, is eating & moving in the ways that feel right for you & your body! Everyone is different, so always keep that in mind (what works for someone else, doesn’t mean it will be the best thing for you, my friend!)


So, with fitness, you may love doing things like:

·      Swimming

·      Walking

·      Running

·      Group Fitness classes

·      Playing tennis with your friends

·      Dancing up a storm in your living room


Whatever it is, do it! Your workouts don’t have to be a long, arduous task either! 30 minutes a day of moderate intensity exercise (i.e. a brisk walk, a light jog) is enough to get countless health benefits!


Now with nutrition, the same thing applies! Of course, I’m not saying, go and eat a whole bag of chips every day or order pizza every night for dinner, but what foods do you love, that make you feel good? That may be:

·      Fresh fruits

·      Fresh salads

·      Oven roasted veggies

·      Lean cuts of meats

·      Homemade smoothies

·      Dark chocolate (I cannot go a day without it!)


The number 1 rule here is enjoy what you do, in moderation. Eat what you love, in moderation.


3.    Set a timer and get it done!

When I though of this step, I specifically though of how much time you spend in the kitchen meal-prepping and how with a lot of people I’ve worked with, they’ve said it can take them all day. I say no- way hosay! My goal for you is to make meal-prep, simple, easy and hassle free. I love setting a time for 1 hour and getting done as many meals as possible. Loafs & muffins works a treat because all you need to do is chop, mix & bake! Anything in the slow cooker also works a treat too, because you can batch cook a lot of meals in advance! You can also apply the same thing to your workouts. Set a 30 minute timer & get your workout in. Whether it’s a group fitness class, a walk, a run- get in & get it done!


Check out the ‘recipes’ section of our LFN Facebook community for lots and lots of quick meal & snack recipe ideas!


4.    Get the good beats & good vibes pumping!

YES! I’m talking about music. I know in myself & with all my classes, if we don’t have EPIC, feel good, high-energy, motivational music, the session just isn’t as fun or engaging. The same thing goes for you and getting your meal prep & or workouts done! Create an EPIC playlist, play it LOUD and get ready for the motivation to seep into your bloodstream and help you to get things done. I love Spotify because it comes pre- loaded with lots of feel good motivation tracks, but if you want to really up your motivation game, check out some of our class playlists that are sure to make you feel the energy!


So, the key message? Nutrition & fitness doesn’t have to be complex or hard to understand! It can indeed be simple. Take these 4 steps and let us know how you go with implementing them!


Remember, if you want additional support on your fitness & nutrition journey, we’re here to help! Our online Facebook community is the perfect place to start


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